Ani Jauhar's 94th Birth Anniversary 20 Jan' 2024

Shri Anil Jauhar, fondly called Anil ji, was the Chairperson of Sri Aurobindo Ashram-Delhi Branch till he left his body at the age of 84 in 2014.

Scroll below to see the offerings to The Mother by the Delhi Ashram.


The ninety-fourth Birthday of late Shri Anil Kumar Jauhar, erstwhile Chairperson of Delhi Ashram and Sri AurobindoEducation Society, was observed with memorial inter-school matches (football for the boys; basket ball for the girls) organised by The Mother’s International School.

The 94th birth-anniversary of late Shri Anil Kumar Jauhar, erstwhile Chairperson of Delhi Ashram, was observed with a special assembly in the forenoon by students and the staff of The Mother’s International School in the Hall of Grace. Besides singing of devotional songs invoking the Mother’s Grace, students recounted inspiring quotes, such as the following from the Mother implying Anil ji’s contribution: “Some give their soul to the Divine, some their life, some offer their work, some their money. A few consecrate all of themselves and all they have-soul, life, work, wealth; these are the true children of God.” An audio-visual presentation was also screened depicting a sketch of Anil ji’s life onward from childhood.

May his life and work continue to inspire us! In the evening, Shlokas of Sri Arvindopanishad were chanted by Premsheela and Minati. The English translation of the Shlokas was read out by Jayanthy. The presentation was sweet and enchanting.

SriAravindopanishad was written by Sri Aurobindo during the early part of his stay in Pondicherry (1910-1914) and was first published in Sri Aurobindo Ashram’s journal ‘Sri Aurobindo: Archives and Research’ in December 1978 with English translation rendered by Shri Jagannath Vedalankar. This Upanishad is the essence of Sri Aurobindo’s teaching asserting that this world is not an illusion; it is as true as Brahman.